Inquirer's Classes
Intended for those with introductory questions, Inquirer's Classes are open to anyone and offered bi-weekly on Saturdays from 5:00-6:15pm. Please check the calendar to see the next scheduled class, or contact Fr. John for more information.
You're already interested, you've already learned some things and now want to take the next step toward entering the Orthodox Christian Church. If this is you, please join us. See the calendar for more information.
All 78 books of the Holy Bible are studied, discussed, and enjoyed. Meetings are open to everyone and occur weekly on Wednesdays following Vespers. See the calendar for more details.

Church School
Kiddos ages 5 and older are invited to participate in our Church School lessons and activities. Classes are held on Sunday mornings. Please see the calendar for specifics about which class your child should be enrolled in and the related start time.
Vacation Church School
Each summer, we welcome all youth to join us for a week of learning, praising, and playing. Please see the calendar for more details.